This past week, a friend of mine posted a link to a website called, “Draw The Line”.
As I take on my calling in Christ, I can smile on a lot of things. There is one area however where I simply have been unable to budge, and because of it, I come under fire on occasion. Sometimes I’m told that I’m some sort of morality policeman. I can’t budge with regards to sexual immorality and as a result I often wonder if I sound like a broken record.
And wouldn’t you know it? In my time in The Word for this evening, I was reading about David’s romantic interlude with Bathsheba.
My friend’s website brought up some interesting issues. What if your favourite pop star molests children? Would you still buy their albums, or celebrate their accomplishments after they die? I mean, I know it’s wrong for priests to play with little boys, but it’s okay of you’ve made a significant contribution to pop culture isn’t it?
The website asked the question, ‘What if your sister tells you that her husband forces her to have sex? What do you do?’ What about that?
I know that you’re going to do whatever you intend to do with your body. So don’t you dare accuse me of trying to run your life, control you or judge you. Hear me out.
In my first book entitled, The Edge of His Cloak, I share this in the first chapter: “If we walk through the Bible and look at God’s will for human sexuality, it would look something like this. God expects us to remain sexually pure, until the point in time where the man and the woman leave their parents and become joined as one.”
I can’t quite say that I’ve been sexually pure from start to finish, but my wife and I did wait for each other. For all of my shortcomings, when my wife joined me in marriage, at least she knew that I had the self control enough to wait.
When I think on the issue of a husband forcing himself on his wife, it makes me sick, and I think it’s wrong. After looking at the site, I realize that I draw the line way before the world does. And I’m the mean morality policeman.
If you’re going to play with fire, that’s your business. If you want to marry someone who has not demonstrated the ability to be faithful, patient and self controlled, why would that bother me? I just humbly asked that you do not allow yourself to be shocked at the results.