Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Between Flesh and Spirit

   I have had a few people ask to have access to the message from Sunday, July 21.

Here is the link.

Between Flesh and Spirit

Sunday, July 21, 2013


1 Corinthians 2:1-2

            When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan.  For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified.

            This was the evening’s reading with my children, and if you know what my day was like, you might find it to be either coincidental, or divine.

            Today I had the privilege of delivering the message at my home church.  I am an automotive mechanic by trade, and as far as my speaking goes, you might refer to it as a calling.  This passage in Corinthians reminds me of some advice my pastor gave me in preparation for the message today;

            You know Kevin, some people, when they get to speak at a church; they really try to impress their listeners.  But all a church really wants is for you to be who you are.”

            In a way, I’m thankful that I don’t know how to impress people even if I wanted to.   I don’t know any lofty words, and have forgotten the ones that I have looked up in the past.  I have never been accused of possessing impressive wisdom.  However, the TOUGHT of impressing people is something that I struggle with.

            Being asked to speak on occasion isn’t the same as having to pastor a church.  I have weeks and weeks to meditate, prepare, study, reflect and rehearse.  Night after night, I usually practice while splashing around in my bubble bath.  So by the time I have the mic, I should be polished more than if I were I to speak on a weekly basis.  

            I share this with you so that you know how I struggle.  That’s why, when you tell me, “Good job!”, I feel compelled to make sure you know that it’s Him.  Not me.  It is a great privilege to be employed in the service of the King of Kings.  As you continue to walk through life, I pray you have seen much of Him, and little of me.