Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's Not Rocket Appliances

Dear Bob, Brett, Ben (Or whatever I have been calling you.)

I want you to know how much I appreciate your place in my life. Having your respect is one of the things that keep me motivated about my faith. We have been friends for some time haven’t we? Although we don’t get to see each other as much as we used to, I rest confidently in the knowledge that you have chosen to take on the same kind of work which beckons me. It pleases me to be able to call you my fellow worker in Christ.

I often wonder why you haven’t gotten tired of me yet. Most people do. It doesn’t take long before people realize that I remain grounded in the simple basics of the Christian faith. Few have the patience to walk with a person who seems to teach the same life lessons over and over. So I continue to thank you, and will continue to do so as long as I have the breath of life.

The Basics Are Profound
The basic truths we have in Jesus are the very foundation to every facet of life. Wonderful Christian men and women write many wonderful books on the many important areas of our walk. If you stand back and look at them for what they are, many of them are the same books, teaching the same principles merely having different applications. The same principles at work in ministry apply as much or more to parenting, as they do to marriage, as they do to our role in the workplace and so on. There is no aspect of our lives which the basics of the gospel do not apply.

The basics might sound something like this…
God sent Jesus in order to make us right with Himself.
Those who accept His gift by believing in Christ are justified by faith.
The Holy Spirit indwells all who have come to and remain in Christ.

Whether we’re talking about parenting, marriage or work ethic, it really has very little to do with adhering to what might be referred to as Christian principles. We don’t follow the ethical Jesus, the moral Jesus or the benevolent Jesus. We follow the living Jesus. That’s why, when we read the scriptures, it doesn’t sound like the Yahoo! News Feed. Paul never writes a headline, “5 Steps To A Healthy Marriage.”

Very few people are accustomed to speaking in spiritual terms. That’s why Yahoo and MSN writers need to pen their words using fleshly lingo. So we read articles that speak on the necessity of communication. We eat up books that talk about sex and the need to have fun together. Just do ‘these things’, because these are the things that happy couples do.

Up until now, I have given you very little in the way of advice, but more to do with some conversations which should take place. As for advice, here is the best I have;

Live a life which allows itself to be led by The Holy Spirit.

I’m not talking about anything freaky. I don’t really care whether or not you can speak in tongues, raise the dead or drink snake venom. I’m talking about living out a literal relationship with God the Father, through Jesus Christ, which has been sealed by The Holy Spirit. These bare bones are the very solid foundation of a life, work, ministry, marriage – WHATEVER, which is built on the rock of Christ.

The Prophecy
Please consider the very work which The Holy Spirit was promised to do.

Ezekiel 11:19 (New Living Translation)
19 And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart,

I question whether or not Ezekiel had any idea of what he was actually talking about. We have the benefit of looking back in history though the spectacles of the New Testament. This passage speaks within the context of Israel’s restoration. God promises at some future date, to put a new spirit into His people. This same spirit is available to all, indwelling those who have received Christ by faith; The Holy Spirit.

Without me walking through the passage exhaustively (which you are more than able to do for yourself), just take the time to read the passage and think on the implications for a marriage between two people who are completely led by the Spirit. Can it happen?

What would a marriage look like where the couple literally possessed this spiritual singleness of heart? What would their relationship look like if both of their hearts were consistently tender and responsive towards one another?

Part of the work of the Holy Spirit is to soften our hard, stony hearts. In order for a marriage to fail, at least one person’s heart has to turn hard towards the other. I may be wrong, but I can’t think of any failed marriages where both people were soft, tender and responsive towards the other. It might be possible, but it certainly would be a rarity.

There have been times in my marriage where I was tempted to allow my heart to harden. We weren’t arguing. There were no huge issues, but there were times, especially in the early years, where I’d get in a tiff and tell myself, “I’m not going to be affectionate to her anymore.” If I were to stay in that hard hearted state, where do you suppose it would lead?

We need to be able and willing; Able to hear God’s call when he tells us, “Hey. You’re being hard. Stubborn. Obstinate. Cold”; Willing to be softened by His Spirit.

I know you understand these truths, because I’ve heard you speak on these very things. As people, scripture often pictures us as if we are plants, producing fruit out of our nature. I encourage you to think of the people you know who live lives which are led by the Spirit. Think of the people you know who are loving, patient, kind, good and faithful. Your relationship with them is likely much different than it is with those who are characterized by jealousy, slander and gossip.

Remember, there are no guarantees, even if you hold up your end. You are not able to hold it together if the other person chooses to walk away. I hope you never have to face such a scenario. Even if this relationship comes to its conclusion, living a Holy Spirit led life is NEVER a mistake.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve learned a lot from your blog here, Keep on going, my friend, I will keep an eye on it,
    Hotpoint FFFM170G
