With Christmas behind us, we now await for the New Year. As we turn the page on the calendar year, we often give pause to reflect on life in a way we seldom do during the regular day to day. We look back on the life we’ve lived, the relationships that have shaped us both for the better and the worse. While we process who we are and where we’ve been, we also give thought to where we are headed in the future. This is a time to look at reshaping who we are.
As we evaluate the direction of our lives and who we are, our thoughts often turn to our standing with God. If that’s you, consider following along here for the month of January. I will be posting daily writings on the book of John as found in the Bible. This is meant to be a way for you to test the waters, or to “taste and see” whether or not you think the God of the Bible is worth following.
If you aren’t a Christian, I encourage you to take the next month and live life as if you really were one of them. If you’re up to the challenge, here are three things besides reading this blog to take on for the first month of the year.
1. Read The Bible Daily. If you are reading this blog, please read the corresponding readings in John. (You can find it on www.biblegateway.com) It’s not homework, but I think Jesus is worth having a look for yourself. I’m sure most of us have known some bad examples among those who follow Him. He deserves to be seen for who He is, and you deserve to know the real thing.
2. Attend a Bible Believing/Preaching Church. I’m a part of Faith Church in St. Thomas and if you live in that area, I hope mine would be categorized as such. You won’t likely be able to become an integral part of a people within 31 days, but showing up Sunday mornings for the next few weeks might give you a sense of whether or not there is a place for you.
3. Live the life. You might not know all that “the life” entails. That’s okay. Yet, as much as you understand what it should really mean to life the way God wants – do that. Spend time talking to Him. Talk to some church people. As you read His word and spend time among His people, just do whatever it is you find that His people are really supposed to be doing.
My blog writings will NOT be the whole Jesus experience. These are a taste. For a lot of people, this will be like signing up for a gym membership whereby we stop going by February. For others, this could be the beginning of a new life. It’s worth finding out.
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