John 1:1-28
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was in God”
This might be an odd way to start off, but I’m going to begin by possibly challenging everything you’ve been taught. It might be wiser to warm up to you first, but if you’re going to check out on this journey, why waste time?
We’ve been taught all along in school that billions of years ago, the universe began all on its own. Non-living matter spontaneously gave rise to life in a cosmic big bang. It took a lot of time of course, but that is in fact the story we are given. The Bible teaches something drastically different. We read here in the first part of John, that in the beginning, God already existed and that He spoke the universe into existence.
I know I’ve lost some of you, and Christians are often tagged as if they don’t believe in science, but nothing could be further from the truth. We love science. We carry iPhones and buy data plans. We go to the doctor and usually take whatever chemicals they prescribe. What you will find, is that we sometimes draw different conclusions than what is generally held by the established scientific community.
And here we are. We don’t believe that life came from non-life, not because we are morons, rather because we trust our senses. We have never observed otherwise. So I’m not asking to join our ranks at the moment, but simply that you would consider something you haven’t been fed in public school or post secondary. We don’t believe the universe was a self starter, and it is often science itself that reinforces our convictions.
I encourage you to look into the research being done by an organization called CERN, especially the work being done on what is referred to as a hadron collider. Essentially, scientists are trying to recreate a miniature ‘big bang’. What we notice quickly, is that this system is also not a self starter. The system requires input from outside itself. Specifically, it requires a massive amount of financial support, not to mention a great deal of human resources. So as believers, we see very little conflict between science and what we see in The Bible. In fact, it reinforces our faith.
It seems so glaringly obvious to many of us. For this reason, you may have found us to be immoveable when you get into a discussion about it. Maybe you are ready to jump ship and join the Christian ranks. Regardless of how you receive this, thank you for listening and giving Christ a chance. If nothing else, maybe now you have a better understanding of why these Christians hold on to their ideas about creation so strongly. It’s because we really do like science. We simply come to different conclusions on occasion.
PS uni – means single, or one
Verse can mean a sentence, part of a poem or song.
Could the universe have been a single spoken statement? Like, someone spoke it into existence?
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