Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Following Your Heart IS The Problem With The World

Sometimes, I wonder if you notice that I seldom rally around many causes. Depending on how you interact with the world around you, you probably have different voices vying for your attention.

A week ago, as I walked out of Canadian Tire, I was assaulted by someone and their personal cause. They didn’t ask me if I wanted a ribbon to put on my car, or even if I agreed with them. They just shoved the thing at me and told me to tie it around my car’s antenna. As a Gideon, if I did that sort of thing with a New Testament, I’d probably end up in the news.

In the Facebook world, there is an endless array of causes with which to add our voices. Most of them are wonderful. They really are. In Christian circles, abortion is a really big one. I’d probably lose my card carrying Christian status if I wasn’t pro life. (And I am for life)

You may at times hear people make statements such as this: “The problem with the world is ________ .” (feel free to insert your own answer.)

For you, maybe it’s the sex trade. Maybe drunk drivers are the problem with the world. Violence against women is pretty bad. Oh. And animals. Cruelty to animals is horrid. Serious.

The way I understand it, the problem with the world isn’t the rapists, bullies, child molesters, murderers, Stephen Harper or the CBC. The root of the ills of our world are the wretched hearts of those who live in it.

Jeremiah 17:9
9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,
and desperately wicked.
Who really knows how bad it is?

I wonder how Walt Disney would feel about that. He was really big on following your heart. Wasn’t he?

So feel free to have a banquet if you like. Make sure you serve cake. Cake will make people stop drinking and driving. Or if you start up a Facebook group, maybe you could give away an I-Pad. In the meantime, good look with your cause. Maybe if you get lots of people together, you can change the banking system, or curb the rampant consumerism that’s killing our culture. Let me know how it works out for you.

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