Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Q & A - Why Are Men So Angry?

Hey Kev!

Came across a blog that said that the #1 problem that comes out in male support groups is that of anger or rage. The big remedy is anger management of course, but is it working? Is that what is needed? Is anger management even biblical?

My second question to you two guys is this: "Why?" Why are men so angry these days? What is at the root of this anger do you think? I have a few ideas but I would love to get your input when you have the time to think it through and respond to me.

Dear Tom;

Well, we're living in a land that is walking away from God. That means there are fewer and fewer people who are indwelt by the Spirit of Christ. Not that all Christians were aver accused of being led by the Spirit, but if the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness......what can we expect to replace it?

Anger isn't the problem. Spiritual banckruptcy is the problem.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Let me know if anger management fixes it.

Love Kevin

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