Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If You Insist on Reading It...

Today I finally received the first copy of my second book, Alien Love. I’m not writing this post to try and sell it to you. Quite the opposite. You see, I’m not looking for fans or followers. After all, the way I understand it, fans are idolaters. I guess I’ll never make the New York Times’ best sellers list with an attitude like that.

I’m not looking for people to give me their money so I can quit my job, but I am looking for a few people to partner with me. Seeing as a good post here draws about 20 hits, the word, “few” is quite appropriate.

If You Are Going To Buy The Book...

If you plan on purchasing the book, there are some things I want you to know first. For a book about love, I talk quite a lot about sin. I say that up front, because I don’t want you to be surprised. The last thing I want is for someone to buy it and say, “Wow. For a book about love, he talks a lot about sin.” Actually, that's part of the reason why I called it Alien Love.

There is something else that I want you to know. I want you to know that I don’t hate anybody. I really don’t. People who warn others about sin are often accused of being hateful. I beg of you, if you are one of those people who think that it’s inherently judgmental to warn someone about sin, you probably won’t like it. As you read, you need to be able to hear the voice of someone who cares. If you aren’t able to hear the voice of someone who has a heart, you do me a great disservice by reading the text. If that’s the case, then please purchase something by Max Lucado instead.

If You Like The Book

If you are able to come up with some decent discussion questions, that would be greatly appreciated. I often think that maybe someday I would like to republish it with some discussion questions at the back of each chapter. The same goes for my first book, The Edge of His Cloak, if you ever happen to read it.

If You Think It Has the Potential to Change Lives

If you’re a believer, please pray for me and the book. For myself, pray that I’ll properly manage the duties of being an author, speaker, father, husband, believer and mechanic. Pray that I’ll have a humble heart. Pride takes on various forms. I’m not the guy who struts his stuff, expecting people to kneel before him. My pride takes on more subtle forms. My pride will have a harder time handling people who say, “Gee. It really isn’t as good as your first book.”

There were no expectations on me the first time around. I feel like I have something to live up to now. Pray that I am able to gracefully handle whatever may come.

Pray that God will disarm those who read it. Whenever we read or listen to something, we carry with us all of the baggage of our past. That baggage tends to produce a knee-jerk reaction which limits our ability to properly listen to and process what we are reading. Pray that those who read it will see it as it is, either good or bad.

When I was in the editing process, I had a homosexual read it and I asked him this question, “Do you see the love?” He responded by saying, “Yes. I do see the love, but you need to realize that a lot of people won’t. Many won’t see the love in it because they have been so damaged in their past.”

Pray that God would supernaturally reveal the baggage for what is, and the love for what it is.
Pray that Christ would be lifted up, not to be crucified again, but as high and holy. Pray that if the book is crap, that He would kill the thing. I would have preferred Him to kill it BEFORE making it into print, but perhaps He has a purpose in my public humiliation. Pray that it makes it where He wants it to go.

If you are willing to partner with me in some way, let me know. I might want some help with this project, although I don’t exactly know what that looks like.

Where to Buy...

If you live in the Aylmer area, please consider being a blessing to the people at Returning Home. They will be carrying a few copies until Christmas, and can order extras if they run out. The book can also be purchased on Amazon, although the picture isn’t up yet.

My first public appearances with the book will be at Faith on Thrusday night’s men’s Bible study on Dec. 1st and 8th. I won’t be promoting the book, but I will have copies available. I’ll be speaking from the book of Mark.

Providing that the book is acceptable to my church, I plan on having copies available Sunday mornings in December at our resource centre.

Final Thoughts

If you would really like to read the book, but really can’t afford it, let me know. Find me on Facebook and I’ll send you a link to an electronic version. I didn’t write the book to make money.

If you are someone I know, thank you for your friendship. If you are someone I do not know, I hope you can imagine yourself being my friend.

Love Kevin


  1. Amen! I will be praying for this book, and am willing to "partner" in whatever way is needed. Well, maybe I should read it first. ;) Honestly, I'm almost a little afraid to read it. Love is often a sensitive topic for me, for various reasons, and I think I may be one of those readers that will need to be disarmed to hear what it has to say.

  2. Thank you Margaret.

  3. I will hook myself up with a copy from Amazon :)
