Sunday, May 16, 2010

What Lies Beneath (Part III)

Up until now, I have deliberately kept from referring to the Bible. If you really don’t know, or want to know Jesus, this might be where I lose you. There is one aspect of our skyward gaze that I have saved until now, and if I were to be completely honest with you, I’m convinced that this truth is what actually drives our quest, whether we recognize it or not. There is something quite spectacular about the stars is there not? Have you ever taken the time or had the privilege of being out in the open country on a dark, cloudless autumn night? Did you take the time to look up to see how magnificent the night sky can be?
This might be the ultimate answer to the questions which I have posed thus far. Why do we look to the sky for the answers to the source of our origins? Whether we know it or not, whether we recognize it or not, the vast expanse of the universe really does in fact testify and reveal what we are looking for, if we are prepared to see it for what it is.
Psalm 19
1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.

In a way, the heavens are a messenger, or a type of sign post. The message that they carry is quite clear, ‘God is glorious’. For an individual who is truly willing to be enlightened for what they are, that person should upon looking towards the skies be inclined to say to himself, “Wow. God is great!”
God is glorious and has demonstrated Himself to be so by His workmanship as made visible in the skies. It is that same quality which compels even the unbelieving world to look upon them and to search their depths in search for the answers to life’s simple questions of origin. All people in all the earth have equal access to this work of His Word. We’ve each been given the privilege of gazing upon His magnificent craftsmanship, but we each walk away having come to different conclusions.
Why do you suppose that is? Having been given the same evidence, having all witnessed the same craftsmanship, why do we come to different conclusions? Are some people simply smarter than others? In his second letter, Peter makes mention of some people.
2 Peter 3:3-5
3 Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. 4 They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.” 5 They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water.
Peter doesn’t mention any names. He doesn’t say that he is talking to Darwinists, atheists, or evolutionists. He isn’t mentioning any certain political or religious group. Here, Peter is talking about a kind of people that will come ‘in the last days’. He refers to these people, describing them as scoffers, mocking the truth and following their own desires. Basically, these are people who do what they feel like doing. Does that sound farfetched?
As he speaks about these individuals, he says that they ‘deliberately forget that God made the heavens.’ If you look the passage up in the King James Version, the phrase used there reads, ‘wilfully ignorant’. These people are intentionally uninformed with regards to God’s creating work.
Here is how it works. Imagine that you believe we are an accident that came from nothing. If that is true, then with all of the planets in the universe, the same thing should have happened somewhere else. So if we keep taking pictures and continue to dig deeper into the reaches of space, we should be able to get a glimpse of some other civilization. If by circumstance, after years of watching and listening no other life is found, one should begin to question his or her theories. A person who is intentionally uninformed would prefer not to learn the truth even if it were to be made available to them.
Does that happen? Are there actually people out there in the world who want to live life their way? Are there people who mock the things of God and really don’t want to know Him, let alone know about Him? Could that describe any of us?
Sadly, it could have well described me, even during many of the years that I had identified myself as being a Christian. Many of you knew me during those years. Even after I came to know Him personally, it was some time before I discovered that I could trust what I read in my Bible. What I didn’t realize was that much of what we refer to as science really isn’t science at all.
Science in its purest sense was intended to be a search to understand physical truth about the natural world. When I was in high school, I was taught that the scientific method looked something like this.
Science observes a set of data and develops a theory out of observations coming from that data. Afterwards, experiments are conducted in an attempt to disprove the theory. Any experiments have to be observable and repeatable. What has happened is this; much of what we refer to as science, has been bastardized. Rather than conducting experiments which attempt to disprove our theories, modern science often goes to great lengths to defend its side.
Investigation of the natural world has entered into the realm and nature of the courtroom; whereby each party seeks to defend its case. Creation isn’t about religion anymore than evolution is about true science.
Coming to realize the truth about our origins has helped to free me in so many ways that I can’t quite put into words. It isn’t a fairy tale story, but a timeless truth that I am not a mistake. My grand-dad was not a monkey so I don’t have to keep living like one. I was created by someone who loved me.
I share these things with you because I want you to know that wherever you find yourself, I don’t have the right to condemn you. I have lived on both sides and respect you regardless of your stand. If however you would like to look at some of the evidence which lines up with what the Bible teaches, here are some places you can start looking. Some are more reliable than others.

I ask nothing more of you than to be honest with yourself. As for me, this is the conclusion that I have reached,
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kevin;

    This is yourself, just seeing if you can post a comment. Jesus loves you!
