Friday, January 20, 2017

A Nation:Only For Those Who Want It

John 14

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Is Jesus for everyone? The word, “inclusive” is one of the popular terms of our day. We do everything we can to make our schools, our workplaces and culture a place where everyone is embraced. These words of Jesus appear to stand in definite contrast to the society we are trying to build here in the western world. “No one comes to the Father except through me.”

In southwestern Ontario, if a person were to ask the way from London to Toronto, no doubt the response would be the Highway 401. Thomas asks how to go where Jesus was going. There is no road, no shipping lane, airport, or teleporting device to get him or any of us to where Jesus is. In very clear terms, Jesus tells Thomas that He Himself is that way, and that no one can come to the Father except through Him.

Yes. I suppose in a way that is exclusive. Well, it is and it isn’t. I find we can generally handle most truths so long as they aren’t linked to God. Imagine that my phone number is 111-111-1111. What will happen if you dial 111-111-1112? A couple of things could happen. You might end up with a recording explaining that the number you have dialed is not in service. Or you might reach someone else only to find that you have the wrong number. You will NOT however reach me.

It is imperative that you have the right number and that you dial it properly if you want to reach me. We can all handle that truth, can’t we? Is it exclusive? Not really. Anyone who has my number can call me. Still, somehow when we start talking about God we completely lose our heads. We can handle the phone number thing, but, start talking about only one way to the Father, and our minds have a meltdown.

Jesus really is for everyone. It’s also fair to say that not everyone is for Jesus. And you know what? They don’t have to be. That’s how it works. God is busy building a nation of people who actually want to be a part of that nation. He is not building a kingdom for people who don’t want to be a part of His kingdom.

Oddly enough, even this is tough for us to comprehend. We like to complain about our government and our leaders. We often talk about how other countries do things better – places like Holland. I was watching a video tonight that highlighted a specific people group who refused to stand for their national anthem at a public gathering. The Kingdom of Heaven isn’t that kind of kingdom. It is expressly for those who really want to be a part of it and who aren’t too stubborn to dial the right number.

Jesus is the way to the Father. If you don’t want to go there, I understand if you choose to take another path. Jesus went to prepare a place for those who want to be with Him. Where do you suppose you will stay otherwise?

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