Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Keep What?

Among the people I know who are serious about God, we tend to hold a fair amount of disdain for individuals who choose which parts of The Bible they want to accept. I would inc lude myself within just such a grouping. (I’m in the group that says we shouldn’t pick and choose.) It simply sounds inconsistant to say, “I agree with this part of The Bible, but I really don’t like other parts.”

I can honestly say that I do believe The Bible, from cover to cover, and I tend to take it at face value. Yet when it comes to The Law, even the most conservative minded can’t possibly begin to observe all of it. How does one decide what laws are important to keep and which ones are not?

This evening with my kids has been a great reminder of some of my old favourites. I used to like to hammer my youth with some of these:

“You must not wear clothing made of wool and linen woven together.
You must put four tassels on the hem of the cloak with which you cover yourself – on the front, back and sides.” Deuteronomy 22:11-12

If wool and linen are a sin, what would God say about polyester cotton? How many of us wear a cloak let alone tassels? If I don’t have a cloak, would I have to put tassels on my leather jacket? The same God who said these things also said, ‘Thou shalt not steal.’ I go around saying that it’s wrong to steal, so am I a hypocrite if I leave the tassels alone?

Murder - bad. Charity – good. Lying – wrong. Tithing good. Adultry – bad. Trimming my beard – bad. Tassels - good.

Are there any things we are not allowed to do if we want to keep the Jesus fish on the back of our minivan? Are there any acts against the law for which we can lose our Christian stripes? Repentance is supposed to be an integral part of an authentic faith in Christ. Repent from what?

If I lie, do I still get to go to church? If I murder, do I still get to keep my name on the membership role? What if I tell a lie once a year? Does it have anything to do with frequency or intent? If I commit murder only once every two years, but I really struggle against it, can I stay?

If time permits, I might spend some time putting down how I’ve worked through how I decide what to and what not to observe, but it remains a scary thing, because I know, in my heart of hearts that there will be inconsistancies.

So if any of you have the tell all answer, I’m open.

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