Thursday, July 29, 2010

I don't know about you....

....but I spend much of my time feeling like a failure. This past weekend, one of the men in my life celebrated a birthday. His birthday was on the 24th of July.

He's the kind of guy that I'm told that we as Christians should spend much of our effort on. He is what you might refer to as on of those that society has cast aside. So, leading up to the 24th I planned on visiting him and bringing by a small gift. When the 24th came, I found myself short on funds and completely drained;both physically and emotionally. I don't know if you remember, but last week was quite hot and humid. After putting in a full week at the garage, I have to tell you that I was completely spent. So at the end of my week's work, I went home to heal.

I received a call from his this afternoon. The first thing that he said to me was, "Kevin. You forgot my birthday."

I know that some of you have in mind everything that a Christian should be. I just can't do it. I can't be all that.


  1. I love you. No one could make everyone happy. Familyand self first!

  2. I'm not sure if you get this or not...but thank you. Both of you.
