Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You need to do this.....

There is a letter sitting on my desk. The letter is requesting that I consider becoming an ambassador for home education.

How do you feel about that sort of thing? I don’t mean homeschooling. I mean, how do you feel about being an advocate for a specific cause? The letter takes some time in proclaiming some of the benefits of homeschooling, highlighting the fact that home schooled children are, “5 times as likely to become Christians as their publicly schooled peers who are raised in a Christian home.”


I’m happy with our decision and quite pleased with what I see coming out of our children, but I really don’t feel called to champion the cause. To be honest, I’m really not led to campaign for any cause but the cause of Christ Himself.

I often have mixed feelings for activists of any flavour, be it Christian or otherwise. I’m often thankful for their efforts, but find that when I don’t put my name along with their cause they seem to think less of me. If you are speaking with an environmentalist, how does the conversation go if you tell them that you aren’t going to participate in Earth Hour?

What about in Christian circles? How do you feel about the following statements?

All believers need to go on at least one mission trip to the developing world.
All believers need to evangelise door to door.
All believers should be actively involved in street ministry.
All believers should home school their children.
All believers should send their children to Christian School.
All believers should send their children to Public School. (Being the light in a dark world)
All preachers should sound like Paul Washer.
All preachers should preach like Charles Stanley.
All Christians need to be focussed on fighting child poverty.
All Christians should boycott products sold by companies that sin. (Child labour, racism, slavery)
Believers should live downtown.
Believers should live in suburbia.
All believers need to make and baptize disciples.
All believers need to be actively serving others in need.
All believers need to attend weekly Bible study meetings.
All believers should attend the weekly prayer meeting.
All believers should be actively involved in ministry and outreach.
All believers should be an active part of a life group.
All Christians should have some kind of leadership role within the church.
Believers who live in the country love Jesus more than those who live in urban areas because they are closer to God out in the open spaces. (That one must be true!)

What do all believers need to be concerned about? Are The Gideons better or worse than The Canadian Bible Society? Is World Vision more or less worthy than Compassion? Does a missionary in Morocco deserve our support, but the one in Pakistan does not? If I want to live and give the way that God wants me to, where does it begin and where does it end?

Do what you want with this topic. For me, although I am involved in a few different Christian ministries, I don’t intend to advocate any of them. If you want to know more about home schooling, here is a neat study that you can check out.



  1. Now if all Christians followed that list, we likely wouldn't have time for anything else in the world. I really see your point Kevin. Many Christians are involved in great causes and areas of ministry, which is great, but that doesn't mean that everybody else has to be doing the same thing. God calls each of us to do something different and there's no point in doing something just because you're expected to and lack all passion for it.

  2. Thanks Margaret. The longer I live and the more public I am about my faith, it seems that I have more people who want to pull in different and often opposing directions. We really aren't able to be personally involved in every great ministry.

  3. Interesting post, for sure! You make an excellent point: we need to follow God's leading when choosing where to invest our time and energy.

    I will say, though, the Gideons are a pretty awesome ministry... but, I'm biased.


    Joshua Gordon
    Research and Program Analyst
    The Gideons International In Canada
    519 823 1140 ext 403

  4. Thanks Josh. It didn't come out in my post, but we have the same bias. I'll eventually have to share why I believe in The Gideon ministry. I don't think we're the ultimate Christian ministry, but the work is VITAL.

    I'm glad to have heard from you. You've reminded me of how I need to pray for our upcoming decision. God bless you brother!
