Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Holy Spirit Told Me...

The law had made it easier. It told you what you could and could not do. It wrote down what kinds of food to eat, how to keep your beard and what kind of ornaments to put on your cloak. Women were condemned for having sex before wedlock, but little was said about the men.

The problem with the Law, was it failed to truly connect humanity with the very mind of God. Abstaining from pork really didn't make you right with God. Wearing four tassels on your cloak and leaving your beard untrimmed didn't really earn you His favour either. A man without sexual integrity wasn't really acceptable in His sight anymore than a woman of the same state. His sin however wouldn't be visible on the marriage bed sheets.

Throughout the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit shows Himself to be quite capable of speaking to those who have received Him. Peter had been eating at the home of a Roman officer named Cornelius; something that was forbidden among the Jewish people up until that time. Upon being confronted about this, Peter explained himself saying, "The Holy Spirit told me to go with them and not to worry that they were Gentiles." Acts 11:12

Do you ever wonder how it really works? Do you ever wonder what Peter heard when The Holy Spirit spoke to him? I'm often quite cautious about claiming that God spoke to me. I guess it's because I have heard of other people who said that they have had some revelation from God, only to be found a fake. Some people in the past have claimed to know when Christ was returning only to be proven a dud. I've had strong impressions in the past which turned out to be nothing more than my own intelect.

Regardless of these fact, this I do know - God is still completely able to reveal His will to those who are listening to Him. One of the primary activities of a believer isn't to figure out which laws apply to them. Obedience for a believer has more to do with being able to recognize the difference between the urgings of the flesh and the leading of The Spirit.

I'm so uncertain about so much of what I do in the faith. Whether I wonder about the substance of a message or what I should write about, it's never as clear as having it written down on some rule book. I wonder if I'm spending the right amount of time on the right people. I wonder if I'm giving money to the right places in the right amount.

I have to believe that the Lord is still able to speak to my conscience and if He's displeased with something, that He would do what is necessary to enlighten me. I mean, if He would speak to an unwilling Moses through a burning bush, if He would turn around a rebelious prophet using a big fish, should we not be able to trust Him if we earnestly seek Him through Christ?

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