Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who Is Surprised?

The Cover of last weeks Macleans magazine read,"Outraged moms, trashy daughters
How did those steeped in the women’s lib movement produce girls who think being a sex object is powerful?"

My question is this - How in the world does anyone have the nerve to pretend to be astonished?

I didn't pay a lot of attention to my high school history, but I do remember a few tidbits. I do remember looking at North American history in regards to the invention of the birth control pill. I was told that it was a great accomplishment for the equality of women in North America. The pill allowed women to have the same kind of 'sexual freedom' that men enjoyed. No longer were they tied to that loathsome task of childbearing.

Being a 15 year old young man, I figured that it was good news myself. Is your imagination big enough to be able to deduce WHY I might have liked the idea?

Of course, now that I've turned into one of 'those Christians', my opinion doesn't count anymore since they are influenced by my beliefs. Go figure.


  1. I didn't read that whole article, but I don't think I need to. You're right. It's strange that people are surprised by this. Mothers and grandmothers are simply seeing in their daughters the fruits of what they started. It almost seems to me that through these women's efforts to gain "equality" and move up in society, they have actually brought themselves down. I mean, since when is it just plain fun to address girls with insulting and vulgar terms? Why have girls come to accept it? Why are they willing to settle to be sex objects? Why are they okay with being "trashy"? It's baffling. They've thrown away their own dignity.

    Please correct me Kevin, if I have misunderstood this article and am way off on this. I just hadn't realized this before. I'm trying to sort out my own thoughts on the issue.

  2. didn't have to read the whole article to figure it out. You're spot on.

  3. Um, should I read the whole article?

  4. If you are completely bored and have nothing better to do with your time...sure. But if you have new paint somewhere in your house, watch the paint dry.
