Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lawyers, Politicians and Thieves

Bob had been a pastor for his entire working career. His request seemed rather strange as he asked his wife to call Frank Smith and Bill Manly. Frank and Bill had been members of his congregation for the past 20 years. They were faithful in their attendance and had both been active in the leadership throughout their time at Frankford Community Church where Bob had pastured.

Bill and Frank wondered why Bob would call them in to share his final hour in this life. Was Bob intending to thank them for being such an encouragement during his ministry? Maybe he had some final words of advice, guidance or a commission to faithfully shepherd the flock after Bob’s departure. Little was said in the first hour as Bill and Frank
merely sat beside their minister; one on Bob’s right, and one on his left.

After an hour and a half, Frank finally asked Bob why he had called them in. Mustering all of the strength that he could, Bob replied saying, “When Jesus died, he left having a thief on his right and on his left. I wanted to die the same way.”

It’s an old joke for some of you and you might not find it very funny. I don’t tell many jokes in my writings or my speaking do I? Maybe I should do more of that. (not) Over and over I have conversations where people make statements like, “Politicians are liars. Lawyers are blood sucking vampires.” Don’t tell me that you have never heard similar comments.

Fortunately, politicians and lawyers aren’t the only vagrants of society. What about auto repair? Have you ever heard a story where a garage sold parts that someone didn’t need? They’re crooks too right? And contractors. Which ones can you trust in your home? The cover of the current issue of Macleans says that we don’t trust our doctors.

Politicians, bad. I get that. Every time a politician breaks a promise or gets caught in a lie, we see it in our headlines and listen to it on the six o’clock news. The CBC chatrooms fill up with political commentary by people who are either upset, shocked or offended. I really don’t think that we have the right to be shocked or upset when our leaders lie. It's old news. So very old.

I had a conversation with a co-worker of mine during the last election. He said that he wasn’t going to vote because politicians lie. I think he has a good point. I don’t think that I’ll buy my groceries from anyone who lies. I don’t think that I’ll go to a dentist that tells lies. I won’t buy clothing, cars, cheeseburgers, movie passes or toothpaste from people who lie either. How long do you think that would work?

What do mechanics, politicians and lawyers all have in common?

They all pull their staff from the same cesspool. You may have heard of it. It’s called the human race. If you aren’t too busy being all self righteous, maybe you’re recognized your place in it. Politicians lie because people lie. Mechanics take advantage of some of their customers, because people take advantage of other people. Lawyers charge exorbitant fees because they can and they like money just as much as you do.

Seriously now. Have you ever met a politicians who wasn't a person? I'm being very serious. They are all people. People lie. Politicians are people. Therefore, politicians lie. It's that simple. I'm sorry if these concepts are too difficult to follow. I know I'm using big words.

I was talking with one of my friends at work this past week. We were discussing the kind of man that we would like to see our daughters marry. I asked him a simple question. “Out of all the guys that you knew during public school, is there anyone that you would trust with your little girl?” He looked at me, thought for a bit and replied, “No. Not one.”

I’ve heard women say that you can’t trust men. On the flip side, I’ve heard men say that women are the spawn of Satan. To be honest, I wouldn’t have trusted any of my friends with my little girl either. Fortunately, some of the men in my life have recently had their hearts ripped out by the women on their lives. I guess it’s good that women do bad stuff too because we have to make sure that they have the same opportunities as men.

It really isn’t about politicians, lawyers, men or women. The ground we’re walking on is level in God’s eyes,

“No one is righteous – not even one.
No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God.
All have turned away; all have become useless.
No one does good, not a single one.
Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave.
Their tongues are filled with lies.
Snake venom drips from their lips.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
They rush to commit murder.
Destruction and misery follow them.
They don’t know where to find peace.
They have no fear of God at all.” Romans 3:10-18

Does that not describe us well as a creature? These are blanket statements for all people No one does good. How do you feel about that? ‘They don’t know where to find peace’. Do you know where to find peace?

PS - If you tell me that you've never lied, I think you're a liar.


  1. Good points here. People can easily complain about the faults of everybody else, especially those who hold a high position, but they completely forget their own. They expect everybody else to be perfect, yet can ignore all their own sinfulness. Thanks for this post.

  2. Thanks Margaret. You are quite right. I must admit that I still find it much easier to focus on the shortcomings of other people that to address my own.
