Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thank You

It's not that I don't have problems. I do. Really. It's just that God has blessed me with so many amazing people. Much of my time in refelction as of late had brought to mind how blessed and grateful I am for the people who have crossed my life's path.

My week started out on Sunday with a few of our friends from the University of Guelph. It has been 14 years since we were in school together, but I really believe that our relationship with each other is much more intimate than it was when we were together on a daily basis.

On Sunday afternoon, we spent our time sharing the trials of life and praying through them together. I realize that many people have friends from school, but how many of you out there have school buddies who will listen to your deepest pains, share theirs with you and pray through these trials along with you?

It wasn't always like that. Call me a nut, but I really think that what we have is rare, if not unique. I understand if that way of living life doesn't appeal to you. Praying through your struggles is much different than drowning your sorrows. I've done that too. In fact, I used to do that sort of thing with the very people who were at my side in prayer this past Sunday.

If you prefer the bottle, knock yourself out. You can't blame me for trying to control your life. I'm just saying, I don't intend to go back.

Today was an awesome day as well. We held Jeremy's 5th birthday party at Pinafore park in St. Thomas. I was fortunate to run into a guy at the park whom I have wanted to connect with for some time. We had cake, iced cream and chips. Barb bought the kind of nacho chips that are extra cheesy. Although, I don't believe that there is actually any cheese on them at all.

We finished the day watching the conclusion to Matthew and Nathaniel's soccer season. Both of them played extremely well. Alright. I cheated. Kind of. I spent an hour or so practising with them this afternoon and we prayed afterwards. We didn't ask God for a win, but we asked that He would grant them courage along with a winning attitude, and that their team would catch their spirit.

The downside was that our final game was against a very good friend of mine. I'm wondering, if he puts his kids in soccer next year, will he let my kids play on the same team? I didn't like the feeling of being on the other side, even for something as trivial as sports.

I want to thank each of you for making my life what it is today. I specifically want to thank those of you who have chosen to live a life of integrity, and who have demonstrated God's goodness to me.


  1. When you think of it, it really is amazing when Christians come together and share their desires, struggles and needs and pray for one another. And yet I believe that's what the church is called to do for each other. It's what keeps us together and it's a great blessing.

  2. I would gladly allow my kids to play with yours. I'll be coaching in that division again in three years. Let's coach together and then our kids will be on the same team.
