Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some Conversations Never Get Old

I’m sure if you were to get to know me, it wouldn’t take long before you caught on to some inconsistencies in my life. Actually, I’ll save you the trouble. I don’t like watching Harry Potter because the hero of the story is an unrepentant sorcerer. I also happen to like the Narnia series, not because it’s written by a Christian, but the witch is bad ok? And I could likely handle the LOTR series if Gandalf wasn’t a wizard. Some of my friends are quite happy to see those hypocrisies in my life, so I thought I should just get it out of the way.

For some reason, it’s just so much easier to notice hypocrisy in other people. One of my personal favorites was brought to mind today. I was having a conversation with a man who does not believe that Jesus Christ is THE guy. I don’t know if you would label him as an atheist or an agnostic. I’d vote atheist, because he seems to think that he knows all that he needs to know.

Unfortunately, in the realm of spiritual debate, nothing is ever new. Is it? You have heard the same objections time and again. The one that keeps coming to mind is this one….

“We can’t really trust the Bible. I mean, it’s not like they had the internet or printing presses back then. It all had to be hand written. Since it was preserved that way, it must have been changed.”

There is some truth there. I can accept these as being plausible objections. What I find rather strange is that the same objections rarely seem to be raised with regards to other ancient writings. The fellow in question made it quite clear that there were other Jesus’ who did miracles and fit the bill for the Messiah. Strange isn’t it? How was this information passed down to him? I guess these other Jesus’ must have had access to their own printing presses. That is apparently the Achilles Heel of The Bible, so there is no way that this guy would believe in these Jesus’ if they didn’t have printing presses of their own.

The earliest manuscript of Plato is thought to have been written about 1000 years after his death. Do we question his writings in the same way that The Bible is questioned?

The truth is, I couldn’t care less what you believe. To be honest, I didn’t say much to this fellow. He seemed to have life pretty much figured out.


  1. Ha ha! I love the printing press thing, that's classic. I guess he must sleep well at night with his inerrant view on accurate historical documentation. I'd rather sleep well knowing THE guy died for my sins.

  2. Josh McDowell (a former atheist) has done much research on this topic. He has a new book out about the trustworthiness of the Bible. As someone once said, it is an anvil that has worn out many hammers.

    "My people perish from lack of knowledge"

    If only they knew...

  3. Where is the 'like' button when I need it? If only all of life were more like Facebook.

  4. ....regarding your comments. Not my article. Just thought I should clarify.
