Thursday, October 14, 2010

Busy about other 'Good' things

Hi there. No I haven't forgotten you. I know I haven't been writing here a whole lot lately. Fortunately I'm not the source of your true spiritual nourishment. Otherwise, you would all be malnourised, if not dead. (I'm leaning towards dead.)

I'm still busy, but I've been busier than usual in my teaching. I just came home from teaching men's group and I'll likely be doing that for the next two Thursdays.

This coming Sunday I'll be speaking at New Sarum Baptist Church. It's my very first Baptist Church. Yay! Kind of. It's funny in a way. Most of the time, when I have had the privilege of speaking, it always seemed like God gave me a similar message. It was like I always had it on my heart to talk about sin, and Christ's lordship and the need to receive and remain in Him. This has always made me feel like I'm a broken record. Fortunatley however, the messages were always packaged differently enough that they were somewhat bearable. (I think.)

So, many times I think, 'Why am I always on about sin? Why can't I ever have a comforting message?'

It's here! I finally have the sense that I am supposed to talk about some nicer things. I'm hoping that it's because the people of New Sarum are generally a faithful bunch. I'll be speaking on the 23rd Psalm. So if you've ever wanted to hear me talk and NOT touch on drunkennes or any sexual sin, 'church' starts at 11:15 am. If you come at 10:30am, there is supposed to be coffee and a time to interact.

I also have the privilege of speaking at Aymer's EMMC church again on Oct 30th, so it might be some time before I'm here again.



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