Saturday, October 2, 2010

Now is the Time

“I personally don't think the ultimate end is that close. I believe that we are in the end times, but then again, didn't people in the New Testament already speak of being in the last days? I also think we need to be prepared, because we really don't know. At the same time, do you think people can be too preoccupied with the end times and Christ's return? Can people be so into it that they fail to live in the here and now? I'm not sure, but your thoughts would be appreciated. “
By Margaret Neufeld on We're All Going to Die!!!! on 9/20/10

I wanted to make sure that I address a question that was asked of me over a week ago. Although the Bible has a lot to say about Christ’s return and the end times, I really don’t feel that it’s an issue which deserves to be the focus of our faith. I want to answer one specific question as it has come up in my own faith. “Can people be so into it that they fail to live in the here and now?”

When I was a newer believer, I was convinced that the end of this age was right at hand. Much of my time in the Bible had to do with looking through Daniel and Revelation as I tried to piece together this end times puzzle. I bought books on prophecy, even though I never read them through. They had nice pictures. The rapture charts were the best parts.

Having an unhealthy preoccupation with the end times can cause us to miss out on the life that God wants for us. This passage in Mark’s gospel was one that stuck with me in particular.

Mark 13:17
"How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!"

Being certain that Christ’s return was quite near made me question whether or not I wanted to have children with my wife. I mean, if this passage was talking about the end of the age and if these days were right around the corner like I had believed, I really didn’t want to be responsible for a young infant during such a perilous time.

My daughter is 12 years old now. My wife and I have had 4 children and they are among God’s greatest gifts in our lives.

God the Father goes through great lengths in order to keep the dates of Christ’s return a secret. I firmly believe that part of the reason why He does this is because He wants us to be ready now. He does tell us repeatedly to be ready for any moment.

If we really are ready now, then it really doesn’t make much difference when it is. If we’re trusting in anything but Jesus for our salvation, we’re not ready. If we’re living in defiance to the Lord Jesus, we aren’t ready. If we aren’t right with Him now, then building an underground bunker or finding a good hiding spot won’t save us. Storing up extra food, getting vaccinated from any super bug, or moving up north to beat global warming won’t do it either.

If we really have been made right with God the Father through Christ the Son, we are able to literally walk through the fires of hell and come out cool on the other side. We’ll die once, along with the reset of humanity, but we’ll get up again. So if your name has been written in heaven, rejoice. Rejoice because you are ready, come hell or high water.

Don't worry about Dec 21 2012. We need to be concerned about our spiritual condition now.


  1. Thanks for that response. I really appreciate you putting the time into that. And your post really echoes a lot of my thoughts.

  2. You're welcome Margaret. I really appreciate your feedback. Hey! Do you know if Returning Home has Bible cases big enough to hold the big ESV Study Bible?

  3. That is almost a little doubtful, but we might. I can check tomorrow and get back to you.

  4. Yes Kevin, we have a couple cases that just fit the large ESV Study Bible.

  5. There is focus on it so that people can avoid discussing or dealing with the here and now. It is easy to deal with the future - because it is not here (you can procrastinate). Dealing with today is much more difficult.
