Sunday, September 19, 2010

You're Smarter Than Most People (If you like my blog)

As much fun as I’ve had going through Romans 3, this will likely conclude my time in verses 10-18, because I really don’t want to exhaust anyone. It hasn’t sounded like a ‘study’ has it? You don’t tell your friends, ‘Hey. Kevin Abell is teaching through Romans 3:10-18’, even though I have looked at these few verses for the past several weeks. What I do doesn’t come across as a sermon or lesson on doctrine. Does it?

One of the reasons why people have a difficult time convincing me that the Bible isn’t trustworthy and accurate, is that without fault, I find that the words of scripture match up with the observations I see in life. In the case of Romans 3, it just seems to paint a completely accurate picture of the human condition. Truth stands on its own and it shows itself both within and outside of Christian circles. In many ways, I feel that the unbelieving world has a better grasp of some truths than Christians do.

One such truth that comes to mind is this one....”People are so stupid.” I can’t begin to count how many times I have heard comments such as that one. If you are new to this blog, you need to know that I’m not spewing out Christian rhetoric. In fact, most of the people who I have heard say, ‘People are stupid’ don’t wear any kind of Christian badge. I hear these statements at work and see them listed by various people on my Facebook. I have never heard anyone say, “Wow. People are so intelligent.”

So when I read the Bible and see the words, “No one is truly wise” Romans 3:11 (NLT), I say that the words seem to be spot on.

Whenever I hear anyone say, ‘People are so stupid’, it usually seems to come from a person who thinks that they are smarter than the general population. I think my chances are pretty good that many of us have had that very same attitude. I have to admit, I’m not above those thoughts myself.

Yes. People are dumb. If only they were more like you, the world would be so much better off. The problem is that you’re dumb too. No one is truly wise. If I had the time, and if you beg to differ, I bet that if I were to interview every person in your life that it wouldn’t take too long to find someone who is more than willing to point out your shortcomings. If you would like to find out some of my shortcomings, I’ll make it easy on you. I work with four other men at The Mufflerman. If you ask each of them, I’m certain that it wouldn’t take long before you uncover some of my less impressive decisions in the workplace.

Yes. People are idiots, except of course the people who agree with me.

‘No one is truly wise.’ Those are the words of the Bible. The funny thing is, when I think on my life and the people I have heard say that ‘people are stupid’, those words have usually come from individuals who are not Christians. That may not have been your own personal observation, but it has certainly been mine. Since these are words of scripture, believers should be the ones saying these kinds of things should they not? What is the difference?

The difference isn’t in the truth. The truth stands on its own, both within and outside of the realm of Christian faith. The difference is supposed to look like this......

Someone who has come to follow Christ is supposed to have realized that they are part of the ‘no one’ group. They are supposed to have come to terms with the reality that they are just as dumb as everyone else. Now, that isn’t always the case, and likewise, there are probably many nonbelievers who acknowledge that they are just as inept as the general population. In fact, there are many people who think of themselves as being dumb in a self depreciating manner; almost to the point where they give up on life or even trying to learn. Still, for those who have believed on The Son, this truth was supposed to have pointed us to our need for Him.

How do you respond when you hear, 'people are dumb'? Are you self depreciating? Do you prefer to think that you are among the smart ones?


  1. I think that self deprecation is a self focused, navel gazing sin. Since the bible asks us to have an honest estimate of ourselves we need to look at our strengths and weaknesses... BOTH...honestly. Then look to Him to change and strengthen us where we are weak. If we ARE in fact dumb we need to admit it in a redemptive way that looks to Him to give us wisdom.

    I think though that one can be very smart and still be unwise...because those are two different things.

    If the people around us are those drivers on the road everyday...well...continuous prayer to be able to minister grace and mercy to them...estending a hand rather than...ahem...a finger...

  2. Thanks Hellen;

    I really didn't take much time to look at knowledge verses wisdom, but you're quite right. The self deprecation does deserve some thought on it's own, but you've put it nicely. Love the 'extend a hand rather than....'

  3. Kevin, navel gazing versus gazing at Him is a passion of mine and I've spoken on it at women's it is a topic I've delved into in God's word.

    As to the hand versus finger example...well, what came up instantly is my own struggle...and what I have to pray ALOT... ;)

  4. Uhm, I should have said that the difference between navel gazing vs the other is a passion...not navel gazing itself... ***grin***
