Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another Let Down

I just finished watching The Blind side with my family. I don’t know about you, but whenever I watch a true story about some person pouring themselves into the life of another, I always walk away feeling like I haven’t done enough for those around me. Which is ok I guess. I mean, it’s good to be stretched and motivated to help others. The problem that I often run into is that I want to be more than what I can humanly be.

This coming week, I’m going up north hunting with my dad. I’m not really all that crazy about hunting. It’s not that I mind killing my own food. It’s not that I don’t like the people. I don’t know what it is. There isn’t anything that I don’t like, there are just other things that I’d rather be doing I guess. I mostly go to be with my dad.

The other night I’m talking to an old friend and I’m encouraging him to try and ‘get out more’. He asks me if he could spend some time with me. He’s a great guy, and fortunately a forgiving sort, but I feel like such a stooge.

“Bob. You should have more companionship in your life.”

“Gee Kevin. That’s such a swell Idea. Would you like to get together this weekend?”

“Sorry Bob. I’m too busy. When I was talking about seeking companionship, I was talking about finding someone else to spend time with.”

We can’t be all things to all people and I know you’ve heard me rant on this before. If you have only one person in your life, I suppose it shouldn’t be too difficult to be there when you’re needed. But what if you have two friends and they need you at the same time? I only have two friends, so these kinds of conflicts only arise once in a while. As for the rest of you who have 3 or more people in your life, how do you balance it all?

The sad reality is this – We all have to decide who we are going to say ‘no’ to. Bob. If you’re reading this, I hope you can forgive me for holding true to my commitment with my dad. Actually, I know you can and we’ve known each other long enough that we can rest comfortably and know that we are still loved by the other. I really hope it does work out for us some day.

I don’t always know when to say yes and when to say no, but have resolved to do this;

I do what I can, for those that I can. We’re not expected to do what we can’t do. I do try to honour previous commitments. I guess when my schedule just doesn’t fit with someone else’s; I should be able to sleep with that. Shouldn’t I?

Fortunately, even though our resources are limited, God isn’t so constrained. I have to trust that He is able to meet the needs and act in the lives of those where I have been inadequate. As much as I would like to be, I am not the world’s only God connection. That role has only ever been filled by the person of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps that’s part of my problem. I’m often trying to fill a hole that can only be filled by God. For me, trusting that God is able to minister to Bob’s need, either on His own or through someone else is difficult. What if Bob finds another believer that he likes more than me? What if Bob’s new Christian Super Hero looks better in tights than I do? Or what if his new Jesus Superman knows the Bible better than I do? Maybe Bob won’t read my blog posts anymore. Can I handle that?

Or what if God doesn’t send someone for Bob? Can I trust Him in that too? God doesn’t miraculously fix everything, so what if nothing gets better for Bob, and I wasn’t there to save him?

In short, for those of you whom I have let down, I release you to the mercies of our God. Yet I beg of you, if He sends you a smarter, more athletic Jesus connection, please keep reading my blog. I need the ratings.


  1. Friendships can be a hard thing and it's hard knowing you have let somebody down. But like you said, you can't be everything to everybody. And when circumstances come up, good friends will be able to understand that.

  2. We watched the Blind Side a few weeks ago. I was suspicious at first, the movies Heather usually coaxes me into watching often have an ending I have issues with.

    However I found it to be quite good. What I like the most is that there were no agencies involved, no goverment bodies, no special interest groups, no committees,no NGO's. It was a person looking after another person in their community that needed help.

    Imagine if we all did that? Or would we?

  3. I'm with you on that Chuck. It's soo much easier to expect the government or some agency (even 'the church')to be doing the things that we ouselves should be doing.
