Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Teenage Dream

Tonight was an evening that really helped me to appreciate my wife. It has been a rather discouraging day. I’m not saying that this is what wives need to be. I’m just saying that I don’t know how I could get through life without Barb. She is a living example of God’s goodness to me.

I came home to a warm meal and a soft kiss. My home is the one place where I can consistently come to and know that I’m wanted. Sitting on my supper plate were two Halloween candies from my boys. Don’t ask me where they got them. Perhaps they went trick or treating without my approval.
The things that make home life fulfilling are not of the same substance as your typical Katy Perry song. I don't know if any teenagers read my stuff any more, but if there are, I want to remind you of the things I used to tell other....

If you're a guy, just because she lets you put your hands in her pants, doesn't mean it's love or that she is 'the one'. I don't think teens ever believed me before. Why start now?

The things that make my marriage to be one of the most fulfilling relationships of my life (second only to that of my Savior) are not the same things that are glorified in popular music.

I often wonder if what we have as a married couple is something that is available to all couples. Is this a gift that is available to all couples who are both indwelt and living by the Holy Spirit? Can good counselling make this happen? I'm not advocating a ban on popular music, but in my opinion, the love that we have as man and wife should be the substance of any true love song. We don't 'sleep' together every night, we don't go out dancing on weekends and we don't party. I guess it doesn't sound much fun does it? You couldn't very well make a music video on the life that we live together. If you did, it wouldn't have many hits on You Tube.

There is a huge difference between a life that is fun verses a life that is fulfilling. I have found the latter of the two and am so thankful that I have a beautiful person to share it with.

Praise be to God.


  1. I definitely agree that how you describe your marriage beats what is described in that song. The average "teenage dream" often doesn't go any further than "tonight" and thus many people miss out on how beautiful and fulfilling love can really be.

    Any advice for the girls on this one?

  2. Advice for girls.....I might need some time.

  3. Love is a verb, an action, a thing you have to work towards, be an active player in.

    Hollywood and music has made love to be either a noun (a thing you can buy or throw away) or an adjective.
