Monday, January 3, 2011

Marginal Material

There seem to be certain areas of our lives that just don’t fit into our faith. Oh. I’m not blaming anyone. In fact, part of the problem lies within my own thinking. To be a little more specific, there are certain areas of my life that don’t have the feel of something that I should include here in this Christian-blog-space.

There are two such life issues that currently remain at the forefront of my thought life which fall into such a category. The first of which is our family vehicle. The second issue has to do with our farm business.

The Truck

With regards to our family vehicle, our truck is getting on in years and in mileage. We’ve never been stranded in it yet, but when the alternator died last month, Barb barely made it back from Rebecca’s appointment at the orthodontist. We weren’t inconvenienced all that badly, but I’m beginning to lose confidence in the vehicle.

If you want to throw some doctrine at me. I’m ready. Go ahead. It should sound something like this...

We’re supposed to place our trust in God, not in our vehicle. Some trust in trucks (chariots) – we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

As we consider purchasing something else, buying a brand new vehicle doesn’t seem to have the ‘Jesus feel’ to it, even if it really is on sale. What do you think? Are Christians allowed to buy new vehicles? Isn’t there a law somewhere that says we should drive a beater and join an auto club?

I really do believe that God is concerned with every aspect of our lives, even the vehicles that we purchase and maintain. It would just be so much simpler if He would send an e-mail with a link to Autotrader’s website saying, “Hello Kevin. This is God. This is the vehicle I want you to buy.”

The Farm

Barb and I have been mulling over the possibility of putting up a set of solar panels on our farm. I’m thinking that if I do, I will have earned my environmentalist stripes. Want my serious personal opinion on that? Honestly. No attitude. I don’t think that environmentalism has much to do with being a responsible steward of the earth. I think that it has more to do with waving a banner.

We have looked into different equipment and financing options. We have even applied for a contract with the Ontario Power Authority. All along we’ve wondered whether or not God wants us to pursue the venture.

A funny thing happened today. I went online to check out the progress of my application, and my password was no longer working. When I finally managed to get a new password for the site, I was told that I had not completed the application. So I just finished the application AGAIN, about 20 minutes ago.

Since I’m running into these peculiar obstacles, does that mean that God doesn’t want it? That is the litmus test for life is it not? If it is difficult, then give up.

For some reason, when people used to come to me asking about how to find direction from God, I felt like I had all of the answers for them. Why is it then, that when it’s my turn to know which way to go that it seems so cloudy?

These aren’t big life problems, but they are decisions which need to be made nonetheless. They don’t have that Jesus flavour to them, but I’m certain that He does care about issues, even such as these. May His will be done in my life.

....But please dear Jesus, don’t make me drive a Dodge.


  1. Sometimes obstacles are meant to be overcome, to test perseverance. I'm not saying your OPA application is one of those cases.

    I asked God for guidance regarding my decision to purchase an engagement ring. Everywhere I turned, or so it seemed, there was another obstacle to getting it done. The weather wanted me in the ditch instead at the store. The store didn't accept my VISA without getting a membership, then they wouldn't process my membership application, then I couldn't put the requisite amount on my debit card and they wouldn't break it into multiple transactions. Hours later, in my car, in the parking lot, in torrential rain, I started asking myself if these were messages from God. Somehow, I still had a strong sense that these were tests to my resolve. That was two and a half years ago, and my decision to go through with it has been validated every day since then.

    As I said, sometimes...

    God bless you.

  2. I'm assuming that you are happy in your marriage, not merely in having made a bargain purchase.


    Thank you.

    May He Bless you as well.

  3. I have always believes that "god helps those who help themselves".

    You have to do it in God's way however (i.e. you can't cheat, steal, etc.).

    You also have to do things to provide for your family. I don't think Jesus cares about whether or not you buy a new pickup, rather, are you looking after your family properly, keeping them safe, etc.

    Being "new" is not sinful. Buying something to satisfy a "need" to make yourself feel better about yourself, would be.

    Regarding your solar panel application...I would also suggest that God can't help you type in the application. Rather, if you really don't want it, then why do it?

  4. The truck is likely a go. Still waiting to hear from the OPA. And yes, you caught on that my heart really isn't in it.
