Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Mystery of the Missing Kidney Stone

As we walk through life, we see the kind of things that we want to see. Don’t we? I mean, we all have a look at the same evidence, but come to different conclusions, based on our own worldview. I don’t pretend to write without a bias, but I do hope that I am forthcoming about my bias. I have been persuaded to believe that there is a God who is living and active in the world today; the God who sent His son as the only means to being reconciled back to Him. That’s my bias and it should make it easy for you to discount my conclusions if you don’t agree with them.

My friend’s wife Tonya was scheduled for surgery this past Friday, Jan 21st. She had a kidney stone which was measured to be about 5 mm. I don’t know when she was diagnosed, but my wife and I have known about it for at least a month. When we first heard about it, the pain was intense enough that she had been taking Percocet in order to cope with the pain. My family and I have been praying for her pretty well every day. I’m sad to say, but my wife and children have been more faithful at this than I have been myself. My friend Dave and his wife Tonya have been praying diligently as well. (I haven’t asked, but I assume that they have prayed much more than we have.)

From our end, we have been praying specifically that Tonya wouldn’t become dependent on her pain killers. Percocet pills are highly addictive and I’ve known one individual who has been physically ruined because of her addiction. We have also been praying that the Lord would heal her. My wife met with Tonya briefly on Wednesday. She had told Barb that she was in some pain, but was able to tolerate it and hadn’t had to take the pills.

If you want or need more details, I’ll try and get them for you. What I do know is that on Friday, she was prepped and put under anesthetic. When she woke up, her caregiver told her that the stone wasn’t there anymore. I didn’t ask how they knew without cutting her open. I figure they did an ultra sound. She was told that she had likely passed the stone.

I don’t know the mechanics of the female anatomy, but when I ponder the possibility of passing a 5mm kidney stone, I almost pass out. In speaking to my wife, Tonya describes it this way – “There is no way that I could pass a 5 mm kidney stone without knowing it. God healed me. I can feel it.”

From my end of the story, I give God the glory. I do however often have a hard time being faithful in my prayers. I get discouraged sometimes when I consider some of the people who have died or others who continue to suffer. I have a friend whose son is sick and so many people keep praying, but the road is still tough.

I guess it’s like we’re living in this sin infested world and there is absolutely no way to live through life without being brought down by the curse of death. That is a reality which we cannot escape. He does however choose to demonstrate His power above the curse, sometimes by providing the strength amidst the adversity, while in others demonstrating his power over the adversity itself.

Of course, knowing my bias….you knew I would say something like that.

By the way, if you agree with the diagnosis of the doctor, try peeing out a small marble. Let me know how it feels. (You’re right. That was a bit much. But I had fun with it.)


  1. There are several possible way to naturally dissolve and prevent kidney stones. Whether God's hand moves miraculously, or slowly through His natures bounty, matters not...

    Ken D Berry MD

  2. Thanks Ken. I guess it's pretty tough to know exactly how it happened. You do realize - you just took all the fun out of having an attitude.

  3. Many things happen that people can't explain, both good and bad.

    Sometimes the burden of trying to find the answer is just too much for one person to deal with - so why not ask for help from above?

  4. As you well know Chuck, sometimes the miracle we need is merely someone who cares enough to be responsible.

  5. One point of clarification: marbles are smooth. Kidney stones on the other hand:

  6. I wish you hadn't posted that. It hurts just to look at it.
